About Me

Namaste! I’m a writer, energy healer, and  teacher with a burning need to make the world a better place. I have spent years healing family and friends and more recently my community.

Punctuate Life was born out of my need to share life lessons and wisdom that I picked up along the way. Here’s hoping it helps you take notice of what truly matters and here’s hoping you find yourself. Pause, relax (you are not alone) and breathe (this too shall pass)!

Thanks for stopping by. Hope you linger a while longer and come back for more!




13 thoughts on “About Me

  1. Damayanti – I really enjoyed reading your blog, it seemed like a great reality check for me. I realized to “stop and smell the flowers too”. You seem like a wonderful and colorful person. Hopefully I will be part of your blog too:)

    1. Thanks DB. You are a part of it everytime you read my blog, share it with someone or comment/share something remarkable that happened in your life.

  2. Hey Dums,
    Wow! You are a blogger. Very aptly said, when the world around us is galloping ahead, we often need to sit back, think and relax and do what we wish to keep ourselves content and happy.
    Love and prayers,

  3. Hi, your father posted a link to your blog on FB. I loved reading your blog. You come across as a wonderful person with a beautiful spirit. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. Will come back to read you again.

    God bless.
    Nirmala Selvam

    1. Thank you for your kind words Nirmala. Do visit my blog often and share your views and comments as well. I love hearing from my readers.

  4. Dums, you are just as awesome as ever. Already, love the parts i have read. Your positivity and calmness is what people need in this busy and competitive world.

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